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The Best Fall Bouquet

The Best Fall Bouquet

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A fall bouquet combines autumn colors, themes, and even scents to create a lovely harvest-like arrangement. From September through late November, these arrangements are a great way to celebrate many occasions. Though a fall bouquet is not commonly given as a birthday or anniversary gift, it is often used to decorate indoor or outdoor harvest celebrations or Thanksgiving dinners.

Creating a Fall Bouquet

Which Flowers for a Fall Bouquet

Flowers that naturally bloom in late summer or autumn are frequently chosen for a fall bouquet. Their colors are often orange, yellow, or reddish. Commonly chosen varieties include:

  • Sunflowers
  • Zinnia
  • Chrysanthemums

Fall Bouquet Embellishments

Part of the fun of a fall bouquet is adding harvest-themed embellishments and decorations. Small scarecrows attached to thin sticks can be found at florist shops or craft stores. They can easily be placed into almost any fall bouquet to add a touch of fun whimsy.

Vegetables harvested in autumn can be placed around a fall bouquet or even among the flowers. Gourds, Indian corn, squash, or small pumpkins are often used in this way. Stalks of wheat or oats can be arranged among the flowers and greenery to add height and to enhance the harvest look.


Though most floral arrangements have only minimal fragrance, it can be fun to pair a fall bouquet with scents related to the harvest season. Apple pie, cinnamon, cranberry, and pumpkin spice are all great choices. It may be possible to drip essential oils or fragrance oil among the leaves, or a small pot of potpourri could be placed nearby.

Where to Use a Fall Bouquet

If decorating your home for Thanksgiving or just for autumn in general, a fall bouquet looks lovely as a centerpiece on the dining room table, on a mantle, or even on the coffee table. The bouquet can be arranged in a glass vase but is more often placed in a country style woven basket. The basket may have an orange or yellow ribbon tied around its middle, and it could placed upon a pretty white crocheted doily.

When decorating for an outdoor harvest event, a fall bouquet looks nice set upon a straw bale. Even if the bouquet is used as a table centerpiece at the event, it can be fun to scatter a small amount of straw or hay under and around it.

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