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Pet Grooming

Pet grooming services are available for everything from routine bathing and nail trimming to special styling, massages and spa services. If you want to know more about the health benefits of proper pet grooming, or you’re simply trying to choose a haircut style for your cat or dog, you’ll find the information you need right here.

An enormous selection of electric dog grooming clippers are available for pet owners who wish to groom their dogs at home, but in some instances these grooming tools are best left to the professionals. Before you invest in a pair of pet clippers, check out their pros and cons here first. Pros of Using Dog...

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Dog grooming tables are designed to be a part of the grooming process and are used by most professional groomers. If you are considering whether to look at dog grooming tables for home use, there are a number of advantages to consider before making a decision. Benefits of Dog Grooming Tables Convenience. The table automatically...

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Clipping dog nails can be one of the most difficult parts of grooming duties because many dogs simply do not like anyone – even their owners – to handle their paws. That general fear is usually made worse because there’s often a broken or overgrown claw or other difficulty that prompts a dog owner to...

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There are a couple of different ways to battle pet shedding. Some of it has to be with ensuring your pet is as healthy as possible. Healthy dogs and cats do not shed as much as those who are not healthy. Additionally, there are actions a pet owner can take to minimize pet shedding. And,...

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New pet owners — or those who are just starting to think about grooming — often wonder how much getting their pets groomed will cost. Although prices can vary depending on factors like location, the size of the pet, and add-on services, they generally fall within a predictable range. Average Dog Grooming Prices A standard...

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Pet groomers who offer complete canine grooming services will attend to all of your dog’s grooming needs from head to toe. Professional grooming services will not only help your dog to look great, but tending to your dog’s grooming needs is an important part of your dog’s overall health too. If you want to take...

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Poodles may sport a number of haircuts, and here you will find the most popular poodle cut and clip styles which look fantastic on toy, miniature and standard poodles. Before you decide on the right type of cut for your pooch, talk with your groomer about a cut’s upkeep and which cut will keep your...

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Most groomers have a preference over the type of pet shampoo they use on their furry clients – but they may also have a selection of shampoo products which you can choose from. Here are the most common types of shampoos for pets which you may find at your groomers; to help your groomer choose...

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Living with dog allergies is a difficult challenge for millions of dog lovers who are willing to tolerate the sneezing and itching rather than getting rid of what they consider a family member. However, there are a number of steps that people who suffer from dog allergies can take to minimize the agony as much...

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Mobile cat grooming is a convenient grooming service that will provide all of your cat’s grooming needs. Mobile grooming services for cats can also be extremely helpful if your cat requires repeated baths or if the furry members of your household are currently suffering from a flea infestation. Pros of Mobile Cat Grooming The number...

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