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How to Prepare for Winter Storms

How to Prepare for Winter Storms

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If you live in a cold climate, winter storms and cold temperatures can be extremely hazardous, especially if you experience months of snowfall each year. However, while winter comes as no surprise, many people are often unprepared for its arrival, especially during exceptionally nasty storms that may make it impossible for you to leave your home for several days. That is why it is so important to take a few steps to make sure you and your family prepare for winter storms properly.

Winterize Your Home during Winter Storms

While many people prefer to stay indoors during winter months, staying inside is still no guarantee of safety. Taking these steps is ultimately the best way to keep your home both safe and warm during the winter:

  • Winterize your home: install weather stripping, insulation, and storm windows; insulate water lines that run along the exterior walls of your home; and clean out gutters and repair any roof leaks.
  • Check your heating system: make sure your heating system is clean, working properly, and ventilated outdoors.
  • Prepare for winter emergencies: prepare for emergencies such as power outages by stocking up on food that does not require cooking or refrigeration; keep one gallon of water per person per day; and keep extra winter wear for nasty weather.
  • Keep a winter emergency kit: include items such as battery-operated flashlights, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather radio, lamps, extra batteries, a first-aid kit, and baby items if you have small children.

Prepare Your Family for Winter Storms

In addition to preparing your home for winter storms, it is also a good idea to make sure your family knows what to do during severe winter weather. Here are a few steps you can take to make sure your family is as safe as possible during nasty winter storms:

  • Make a family emergency plan: it is crucial that your family stays together during a natural disaster, so it is important to know how you plan to contact each other and get together in case of an emergency.
  • Look for local emergency plans: it is also a good idea to find some information about emergency plans at places where your family spends time, such as work, daycare, and school.

While everyone knows when to expect the onset of winter, many people fail to take the proper steps to prepare their homes and families for winter storms. When it comes to dealing with nasty weather, it is important to keep in mind that the more planning and preparation you and your family do in advance, the less hassle and frustration you have to deal with when a bad storm hits.

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